Monday, March 17, 2008

Surgery Update

My surgery date has been changed. No longer St. Patrick's day, we're trying for Tuesday, March 18. But stay tuned. Because in the words of Gilda Radner as Emily Litella,"it's always something...."

Last week's pre-op blood tests were a little funky with regard to my ability to clot. Apparently I'm taking a little longer than desireable (maybe because of some of the necessary meds I'm taking). Dr. says this wouldn't be a problem for most surgeries, but with surgeries on the spine you don't want a large clot--as that could cause pressure on the spinal cord. Never a good thing and he prefers to err on the side of caution.

So I retake the test Monday, St. Patrick's day. If that one shows the same thing, I'm off the meds for a week and we try again NEXT week.

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